Committed to Protecting our Environment
The Staysput Ltd. business is committed to the supply of consistently high quality products supported by a business approach that delivers true value to our customers.
For more information concerning our Environmental Policy, please Contact Us
The Staysput business has reviewed its’ strategic direction and has identified it as being committed to the supply of consistently high quality skin adhesives and related adhesive products supported by a business approach that identifies the legal requirements, risks and opportunities and needs of interested parties. These enable us to deliver true value to our customers.
The business determines any external and internal issues that are relevant to it, and its customers, at the enquiry, tender and contract stages as well as during and after the supply of product. These risks and opportunities are evaluated to ensure that they do not affect its ability to achieve the intended result of its quality management system and to ensure customer satisfaction.
The Company operates a Quality and Environmental management system which interfaces customer facing functions in the form of good communication in order that customers’ expectations are met. This is achieved through adopting modern day techniques which, via training and creating skills and expertise, encourages employee commitment to meeting the ongoing needs.
The Company is committed to continuous improvement of Quality and Environmental management by setting objectives and targets. The performance of these targets will be monitored by periodic reviews.
The Company will comply with all relevant customer requirements, industry codes of practice, and local / national legislation. This is achieved by the review of customer expectations, Legal and other requirements, Risk based factors, Opportunities for improvement and other requirements identified within the process map.
Staysput ensure that persons doing work under their control are aware of the quality policy, relevant quality objectives, their contribution to the effectiveness of the quality management system, including the benefits of improved performance and the implications of not conforming with the quality or environmental management systems requirements and are actively encouraged to meet the Company requirements.
The performance of the Company Quality and Environmental management systems is subject to review to ensure that the management system remains suitable, effective and achieves the requirements of the Quality and Environmental policy statement. This is achieved through Quality/Environmental review meetings. These are held at least twice a year at which the performance of the Quality systems and policies are evaluated against the Company objectives and targets, in order to ensure that they meet the requirements of the Company and its customers.
The Quality management systems are internally monitored by an audit system which objectively evaluates the adequacy of all aspects of the system to standards that are in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.